Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cleaning out my closet

But not in the Eminiem way, more literal. I've gotten in contact with a woman called Elsa Kittel who for many years has been collecting things like clothes, kitchen things, curtains and all other sors of stuff that people need in their lives, in their homes, and sending them in big trucks to the other side of Östersjön, Romania etc. to women and children who are poor or in other unfortunate situations. So, I am going through also cabinets to find whatever I have forgotten that I have, that is working but that I have no use of any more. It's a win-win situation where I get rid of stuff I don't need that only take space from my not too big flat and give it to people actually need it.

Going through your own things and find so many things you don't need, you really feel what you are, a pretty spoiled western person who has way too many unnecessary stuff. My "footprint" in the world is still a lot bigger than most people in the world even if I am trying to make it smaller by living a more personal and environmental healthier life...and trying a little to make others to do the NOT EATING THE WRONG FISH and not eating so much beef (since it is, per kilo, worse than gas)! ...just to mention one thing. Giving away fully functional things also is a way of keeping others from buying new things (as if these specific people would be able to :-S) and doing so not contribute as much to the energy consuming consumption.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

life is like that. you have to take things in strides.