Walking home from the store I passed by a small pizza place run, as so many other pizza places, by guys obviously not from Sweden. Outside they had a small, rectangular sign saying "falafel rulle 25 kr" with "falafel" on one line and "rulle" (roll) on the next and in Sweden that is without a doubt ONE single word, not two. In this case it was in singular but if it had said "falafel rullar" which is in plural, it would have meant that the "falafel is rolling", hence not a dish. See my point?
I got an impulse and went inside to tell the guy that it was wrong and why. I told him that HE should get it right since there are so many native Swedes who don't know how to write proper Swedish :-) He just smiled and got the big pen and went out with me so I could show him how if should be written, that is "falafel-rulle"/"falafelrulle". He just thanked me for showing him and he gave me a big smile. If pointing out the same kind of mistake to a Swede, he/she would just get a little annoyed and say "ye ye, but you know what I mean"... See my point?
I got an impulse and went inside to tell the guy that it was wrong and why. I told him that HE should get it right since there are so many native Swedes who don't know how to write proper Swedish :-) He just smiled and got the big pen and went out with me so I could show him how if should be written, that is "falafel-rulle"/"falafelrulle". He just thanked me for showing him and he gave me a big smile. If pointing out the same kind of mistake to a Swede, he/she would just get a little annoyed and say "ye ye, but you know what I mean"... See my point?
1 comment:
Bra reagerat, bloggaren.
Särskrivningseländet är annars ett elände som få tycks bry sig om. Tyvärr.
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