Check out these things about Lina, the Lina and only! Oh, yeah!
An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The best dad in the world...
...and he's MINE (and my sibling's)!! I've lost track of how many times he has helped me with what he does best.

THAT is an old can! It's still laying on the train tracks. What did the person who threw it once upon a time think, that it would turn into stone after a while?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Save the environment - pay more!
WHAT?! Idiots...Do you know what the politicians have decided to do next year? Since people in this area has started to travel >10 % more by trains and buses than last year and therefore the profit has grown, they are now going to raise the prices on the ticket I buy every month by 100 SEK (=10,5 EUR) from 890 SEK to 990 SEK (94 EUR/104 EUR).
That means that the travelling increased with about 10 % and therefore I should pay 10 % more?! I love their logic...and Hanna, I agree!
So instead of trying to make people travel in a way that is good for the environment, they raise the prices considerably. Way to go!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Just me
The Answer's at the End
Oh, we think so little of the
ones that we love, sometimes
Isnt it a pity how we hurt
The ones that we love the most of all
The ones we shouldnt hurt at all
/George Harrison
ones that we love, sometimes
Isnt it a pity how we hurt
The ones that we love the most of all
The ones we shouldnt hurt at all
/George Harrison
I just want to mention that I since yesterday have a small poll right beneath "about me" and you are all very welcome to vote whenever there is a new question asked :-) Don't worry, I can't see who has voted.
Know a flower - get a citizenship
Australian citizenship, yes, get that through a test where some of the questions are: pinpointing of the prime minister, knowing the name of the national flower, when Europeans came to the continent and the beginning of the national anthem, about the history and the "national values" (e.g. freedom of expression, religion, equality).

I wonder if they also should know WHY the Europeans went there in the first place and how they have treated, and to some extend still do, the Aborigines?

Sunday, August 26, 2007
How big are you?
"Retar du dig på ting som är små
så är du väl inte större än så"
"If small things annoy you
then you probably aren't much bigger than that"*
Alf Henriksson, poet
(yes, I just "stole" those wise words :-))
* my translation
India today or should I say still?
Written by a Swedish girl who is living there for three months. I envy her despite all the hard work.
Shadow dog, Anonymous and G Marx
Nope, it is not an engagement ring at all! It is a birthday gift from my sister and I happen to prefer wearing rings on that specific finger. Having a blog and people writing anonymously or with a fake name is somewhat frustrating since I get so curious about who these persons might be :-) Anyone I know or a total stranger? I have no idea. I also wonder how they found my blog in the first place. There are sooo many out there.
Waiting for the train
...especially considering the garbage bin 3 m away from where I am standig and another one a few more meters away.
Things I wished
Sometimes I wish that I...
* liked jeans and wore them all the time
* had medium long hair, maybe with a few, discrete high lights
* never used any other nail polish than beige and pale pink
* liked neutral colours and only wore them
* wanted wooden floors and furniture
* didn't have any interest in politics (that is more than how much tax I pay and how many more * years criminals should stay in prison)
* liked romantic comedies
* liked to spice my food with only salt and pepper
* listened to Energy on the radio
* went to a sun vacation in Spain every year
* that my favorite food was Mamma Scan's meatballs and potatoes
* never used any other make-up than mascara and neutral lip gloss
* always wore the latest fashion
* never had so many thoughts and things to say
* didn't really have any opinions that others around me have
* dreamt of having a job no more than 1 hours away from all of my family and friends
* never laughed very loud
* had patience as a saint
* preferred to read the local pages in the morning paper
* didn't like heavy metal, punk and music in other languages, only what is played on the commercial stations
* thought that there are too many immigrants in Sweden
* that isn't "normal" to have strong feelings for persons of the opposite sex
* never wrote emails longer than 5-6 lines at a time
* liked coffee
* didn't expect friends to act like friends (= with simple respect)
* only wore earrings to parties and other special occasions
* wore leggings and other things in fashion
* could settle with less
* hated when people have an open discussion about things they disagree about
* dreamt about having a summer house
* liked and bought clothes and stuff with the "right" brands
* am not impressed by a nice car
* don't want to get a golden engagement/wedding ring when the time comes
* didn't feel good being awake late at night
* preferred ham and cheese on my sandwich
* didn't like white
* wasn't curious about thing, all kind of things
* wanted to have a son named Lucas, Oscar or William and a daughter named Emma, Maja or Agnes
* and be named Johansson, Andersson or Karlsson
* not dreaming of going to the US, England or Australia
* didn't have need and urge to have a blog named In Natasja's CROWDED head and write in it so often
* didn't think that one should know one's own language before complaining on other's ability (read= immigrants)
* only had friends that have the same opinions, socioeconomic/ethnic background, and religious believes and style
* actually didn't have a reaction to deadly chemicals
* simply didn't care so's a curse
then maybe and just maybe, I wouldn't feel like a weirdo who has to think about every single move I make or thing I say without being judged and convicted as a strange person.
So, are the things mentioned above wrong in any way? No, of course not (with a couple of exceptions concerning intolerance), it's all very common and normal. I just wonder why it should be so hard for people to accept when things aren't exactly as they are used to? What's so hard about it?
Yes ML, you should be careful for what you wish for...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Pennroyal Tea
From my favorite Nirvana album... I remember the summer I started listening to them, several memories from that period. A girl adopted from India called Jessica lived with my family at the time. Hmm...wonder what happened to her? Do you know Oh You Crazy Man?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Me? Quiet and considerate?!
The second day in a row, someone asked me how I am since I am so "quiet and considerate*". I told them that "they" should enjoy the silence since that is what people prefer me being (they/people = others, not the ones asking). :-S The best way of making me shut up is to make me feel unwelcome and tiny.

* försynt
Helping friends?
Lately I have tried to help a friend with a problem he has. Unfortunately I haven't been able to do so much, pretty much just giving some tips, that another friend gave me. Still, would he have done the same thing for me?

What does it take to be a friend or at least friendly? Is it to say at least something to your friends defence when treated badly or is it just avoid saying/doing the same things as the people actively doing harm? I don't know what kind of person he is, I just have a feeling. I just know that it is hurtful.
I know what I think and I know what many others seem to think, or should I say act?
Some days are like this
What a crappy day! The only good thing is the samba that was a lot of fun trying to dance! I love it, it makes people so happy and it's also good exercise. It is also so unusual for me to bump into brazilian people Btw...*wondering how Marina is nowadays*
Sunday, August 19, 2007
My belly hurts... hahahahaha
Oh myyy... It's so funny! Once while sitting and reading on a specific site on the Internet in library (computor room though), I couldn't stop laughing and therefore annying everyone around me. Again I am sitting and reading on the very same site, but at home, and I just hope that my neightbours can't hear me laugh!
Thanks dad for reminding me of the site...
Kids are great! Here you a have some small examples of what you can read if you go to "Avigsidan". There is plenty of more where this come from!
"När min dotter var ca två år tittade hon förundrat på mig en dag och sa:
– Mamma, vilka långa ben du har, de räcker ju ända ner till fötterna!
– Mamma, vilka långa ben du har, de räcker ju ända ner till fötterna!
Vilket jag är tacksam för.
"Malmö är verkligen mångkulturellt och mina söner har kamrater från jordens alla hörn, min yngste sons bästis kommer från Uganda och är mycket mörkhyad, sonen pladdrade med sin mormor om vad han och bästisen gjort och mormor frågade försynt om Keith är den färgade pojken i klassen, varpå sonen såg beklagande på mormor och sade
– Vet du mormor, han är inte färgad, han är faktiskt född sån...
"Ibland kommer barn undan med saker som skulle förpassa en annan till källaren i månader. Följande berättade en frånskild kvinnlig kamrat till mig:
Dottern stod och tittade på sin mamma som duschade efter ett träningspass och säger:
– Mamma?
– Mamma?
– Ja?
– Pappas nya tjej har mycket större bröst än du.
Stämningen blir tryckt och luften kan skäras med kniv, inte bara på grund av ångan i badrummet. Efter en stund säger dottern lite käckt:
– Mamma?
– Ja? (Något irriterad.)
– Dina bröst är längre!
"Min kusin och hennes fyraåriga dotter satt på bussen och en mycket kortvuxen person klev på. Dottern frågade högt "Vad är det där?" och svaret blev ett viskande, "Tyst, det är en dvärg".
Dottern vill inte släppa spåret och frågade "Varför är han så kort?"
Hyschningsknepet fick nu bli byte av samtalsämne: "Du kanske kan räkna hur många som sitter på bussen?" Dottern räknade länge och konstaterade sedan:
– 27 personer och en bäver.
--- belly huu uuurrrts!And this is pretty amazing... :
"Min dotter Alicia 6 år kom med följande kvantfysiska fundering när vi satt i bilen:
– Pappa...
– Ja...
– Hur fort kör vi nu?
– 90.
– Hur fort kör de andra bilarna?
– Också 90.–
Men de kör väl i ett eget 90?
– Hur menar du då?
– Vi har ett eget 90 och alla andra har sitt eget 90. Annars skulle vi inte få plats på vägen.
– Javisst, vi har ett eget 90.
Jag passade mig för att gå in på fysikens grundläggande teroier för jag insåg att hennes perspektiv var från det kvantfysiska, där tid, rum och rörelse är något relativt. Klart alla kör i ett eget 90!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
"Falafel rulle"

Walking home from the store I passed by a small pizza place run, as so many other pizza places, by guys obviously not from Sweden. Outside they had a small, rectangular sign saying "falafel rulle 25 kr" with "falafel" on one line and "rulle" (roll) on the next and in Sweden that is without a doubt ONE single word, not two. In this case it was in singular but if it had said "falafel rullar" which is in plural, it would have meant that the "falafel is rolling", hence not a dish. See my point?
I got an impulse and went inside to tell the guy that it was wrong and why. I told him that HE should get it right since there are so many native Swedes who don't know how to write proper Swedish :-) He just smiled and got the big pen and went out with me so I could show him how if should be written, that is "falafel-rulle"/"falafelrulle". He just thanked me for showing him and he gave me a big smile. If pointing out the same kind of mistake to a Swede, he/she would just get a little annoyed and say "ye ye, but you know what I mean"... See my point?
I got an impulse and went inside to tell the guy that it was wrong and why. I told him that HE should get it right since there are so many native Swedes who don't know how to write proper Swedish :-) He just smiled and got the big pen and went out with me so I could show him how if should be written, that is "falafel-rulle"/"falafelrulle". He just thanked me for showing him and he gave me a big smile. If pointing out the same kind of mistake to a Swede, he/she would just get a little annoyed and say "ye ye, but you know what I mean"... See my point?
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Waiting for Tom
"I Don't Wanna Grow Up" - Tom Waits
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday Morning
It's what it is... and what better way to emphasize is there than to play my dear No Doubt's "Sunday Morning". Gwen Stefani is very cool and has been ever since I noticed No Doubt in 1997. I am not very fond of what she has done lately, but SHE is still cool ;-)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Mysteries of life
You know what else is a bit annoying? Why do skirts always move around clockwise around the hips? Why can't they just stay put?
Btw, did you know that there is fabric that when worn, they take over the person...or so I've heard. Don't know if the source is so reliable but it! Yeah!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
(in Sierra Leone) <--click for more about the movie "Blood Diamonds" (in Swedish) which I really recommend. In English.
A reminder...
A reminder...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Unblogable thoughts
As I promised, I am not going to blog about them but I just want you to know that I agree, but you already knew that. You wouldn't have told those things to me otherwise :-) It's probably not going to get better either until there are serious changes, in the other direcction. I know, it feels like forever. Still, congratulations!!! :-D
I know that this is the second time I have this song here but it is a special occasion.
Decide what the truth is?
I saw "Jesus Camp" for the second time just the other week. In some cases it is simply the main point that is interesting but sometimes even the smallest words can carry great meaning. The preacher for the Evangelic mega church said to the listeners during a sermon that "We have decided that the Bible is the word of God"!
He didn't say "we believe..." just that they had DECIDED it. So if I say that "I have DECIDED that everything I have ever written here on INCH is the truth", would you believe me? I sure hope not! Instead I wonder if you would have "agreed" more if I had said that "I [Natasja] believe that everything I have ever written here on INCH is the truth?" I am pretty sure you would have though that I am a very presumptuous* person if I had used the word "decided".
If I was God, I would much rather that my followers BELIEVED in Bible as my word than just verbally "forced" upon them.
But that's just me...
I raise the question because I can't help wondering who are "we"? Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it a few people that came to that decision? Then, who are they? What are their goals in life? Is it to be a good Christian? Is it to gain political power or help people you like to gain power? Is there any money/special privileges involved?

* förmäten
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Bombombom...Jesus Walks
I like this song and the melody but also some of the contents. No matter what you believe in or not, everyone, not matter their wrongdoings, have the same rights and not the least equal value and that is the way we all should treat people. Equally.
To the hustlas, killers, murderers, drug dealers even the strippers
(jesus walks with them)
To the victims of Welfare for we living in hell here ohh yeah
(jesus walks with tthheemm)
We rappers is role models we rap we don't think
I ain't here to argue about his facial features
Or here to convert atheists into believers
I'm just trying to say the way school need teachers
The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way I need Jesus
So here go my single dog radio needs this
They say you can rap about anything except for Jesus
That means guns, sex, lies, video tapes
But if I talk about God my record won't get played Huh?
Here is the first version of the video but I prefere the second one above:
Scotch Disco Band
How can you NOT like this? ;-) Good old 80ies! Loved this CD since I was little. I still do. Yeh, yeh, I know. 80ies? That is nothing to some of you ;-))
"What if...?"
I really, really don't like that combination of words because there is no point, but still I think about it. There are so many "what if" and I am just so tired of them. They just make me very frustrated...and sad.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Shooting what I see
I think there is a small goblin in the washing machine, messing my clothes up like this! He likes knods (is it him also messing up the headset to my mobile several times per day??) "I-landsproblem", I know hehe...
Friday, August 03, 2007
To laugh or not to laugh
I was talking to a friend about how to deal with intolerance at eg. work. He works in a place and a country (according to himself) where it is common to hear the intolerant opinions out loud. He said that he laughs at jokes about foreigners and homosexuals even if he doesn't agree with it (I know that of several reasons). I pretty much said that everyone doesn't have to be like me and speak up when the jokes and the comments just get too harsh, but, laughing is not to act neutral but to give the people who say those intolerant things acceptance. A joke is never just a joke, just a reflection of the values of the people telling them and laughing at them. People affect each other and that include opinions, so reinforcing intolerance by actively accepting it even "just in words" or "jokes" and not mind, it to let intolerance live well on and spread. He ended the conversation with (unedited):
"i am not talking about philosophic and real conversations
i am talking about stupid jokes
"i am not talking about philosophic and real conversations
i am talking about stupid jokes
when drinking .. dunno
maybe you just dont know me so good to understand it
and finally
you´re still right
maybe you just dont know me so good to understand it
and finally
you´re still right
i´ll think a bit about it"

Means disgusting..where I live :-) In case you didn't know. Isn't it fun with dialectical stuff?
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