Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thinking, not writing

Sometimes I wish I could write about what I really am thinking about. Not that I think that very many would have interest in it or, not the least, that people would like my thoughts. Not everything is made for the public or even friends and family. Either way, a blog or Facebook or any other social media is simply not the right forum.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Macéio - where most of my relatives live

10 years ago are 10 years too many since I went there. I wish I will be able to go there soon. Who knows, maybe I should check out if ther is something usefull for me to do there?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tina om hur man tillagar kött

Sevärd. Fast, jag vet egentligen en ännu mer sevärd film. Kanske visar er en annan dag.

Ner med näsan, Sverige!

Det går inte annat än att bli illa berörd över hur Sverige gång på gång fullt medvetet väljer att bryta mot de mänskliga rättigheterna. FN ger Sverige tydliga och enkla rekommendationer. Låt bli att skicka tillbaka människor till oroliga områden där de riskerar att bli dödade! Att skicka tillbaka personer tillhörande vissa grupper, såsom kristna, till Irak är och förblir än ett tag högst olämpligt.

Tack och lov finns det modiga människor som är villiga att försöka göra något åt det. En av de 70 som greps i Kållered igår är en kompis till mig, Alexandra. Även Amnestys generalsekreterare Salil Shetty, som var på besök i Sverige igår, uttalar sig mot utvisningarna i TV4 som Sverige gjort, gör och antagligen kommer att fortsätta att göra.

Sverige struttar omkring med näsan i vädret i tron att alla utomeuropeiska människor har som högsta dröm att komma hit och utnyttja oss i all evighet. Givetvis finns det människor som gör allt för att stanna, antingen för att de helt enkelt gillar att leva här och kanske har starka band till landet. Det finns dock även de som känner att de inte har några andra reella val och sedan har vi gruppen av människor som vill och längtar tillbaka till sitt hemland. Människor som så snart de känner att de har möjlighet att göra det faktiskt tar sitt pick och pack och flyttar tillbaka.

Eller som Dut Achol Dut sa i Rapport: "There is no place like home".

Att hota plastkassar på ICA

KÅ: försöker visserligen att leva efter visdomsorden "Retar du dig på ting som är små så är du väl inte större än så", men för några timmar sen fördunklades hans tillvaro än en gång av att en plastkasse på Ica under flera sekunder vägrade att låta sig öppnas. Dylika hinder på livets stig drabbar bara honom - tror hans pessmistiska jag.

LU: Ha,ha,ha..
Detta händer oss alla emellanåt käre vän.
Jag har ett tricks för att få den trilskande plastkassen att ta reson.
Jag bockar mig försiktigt ner och viskar till den - "Passa dig noga, annars förvandlar jag dig till grovsopspåse så fort vi kommer hem". Ställd inför detta skräckscenario, brukar den mest hårdnackade plastkasse ta reson.
Prova KÅ :-)

AN: Ja tänk om man samlade ihop all den tiden och dessutom fick reda på hur många sällsynta fåglar, vackra människor, livsviktiga samtal och ögonblick av oändlig frid man missat på grund av ICA´s motsträviga påsar. Är det konstigt att man längar bort ibland. Till Konsum t.ex.

Natasja: Undrar hur det fungerar med hot om kast rakt ner i plaståtervinningen?

LU: Tyvärr inte så bra Natasja. Plaståtervinningen gör att kassen får ett inre lugn och ser sig själv som pånyttfödd ICA-kasse efter en ny runda som basmaterial i plastkassetillverkningsindustrin. Lite plastkassarnas buddhism-tänk :-)
Grovsopsscenariot utmynnar för kassen, i en kommunal förbränningsanläggning med eldflammor och enorm värmeutveckling, där den stackars lilla ICA-kassen smälts ner, brinner upp och går ut genom en skorsten som en lite rökpuff. Detta är en skräck för trilskande ICA.kassar och för övrigt för annan trilskande materia också. Lite plastkassarna kristna "du skall brinna i helvetet" tänk :-)

Natasja: O du vise LU. Dessa tankar skall jag föreviga i min egen bibel kallad INCH. Ett måste. Världsomvälvande tankar som måste förmedlas ut i den större världen (dvs. om fler läst den). Jag är härmed en hängiven grovsopshotare när trilskande plastkassar går emot den gudomliga ordningen och irriterar mig.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Levent - the Waiter

  • I just feel like making this conversation last. It's so wonderful. It is comments on a photo on Facebook with a pretty English girl (Laura) and Levent, one of the Turkish waiters at the nice hotel Amnesty International had it's big, international meeting two years ago in Turkey. Levent is rather good looking and he knows it and was constantly flirting with the girls he liked (including me). It was fun....to see him try so hard. Haha... I really do wonder if he ever got lucky, how often the hotel guests fell for it. Well, I prefere the less sleazy kind of guys.

    Natasja: The guy to the left is Levent...
    September 3, 2009 at 12:42pm ·
  • MD: Otherwise known as Laura's future husband. Well, the future husband of every girl he served to be more accurate......
    September 3, 2009 at 12:54pm · · Report
  • Natasja: Hrmmm... I know. Eg. he insisted to carry my plate the about 1,5 METERS to my table once. Very persistent...
    September 3, 2009 at 12:56pm ·
  • MD: Very creepy! ;o)
    September 3, 2009 at 1:07pm · · Report
  • GC: if Layra's happy, i'm happy
    September 3, 2009 at 1:40pm · · Report
  • Natasja: I wonder if he ever gets lucky...or to be more precise, I wonder if any of the waiters ever get lucky?
    September 3, 2009 at 1:42pm ·
  • Laura: Oh i miss him....
    September 3, 2009 at 1:43pm · · Report
  • Natasja: He has FB...
    September 3, 2009 at 1:44pm ·
  • FG: oh but it's such a cute pic! imagine what your kids would look like!!!
    September 3, 2009 at 3:27pm · · Report
  • Natasja: LOL
    September 3, 2009 at 3:35pm ·
  • MD: I'd like to know where his right hand's heading.......
    September 3, 2009 at 4:18pm · · Report
  • MD: Steven certainly looks unimpressed! ;o)
    September 3, 2009 at 4:18pm · · Report
  • FG: never mind his, where are HER hands?!
    September 3, 2009 at 4:48pm · · Report
  • Natasja: That's probably why he looks so happy.
    September 3, 2009 at 5:02pm ·
  • MD: Laura W, that's disgraceful.
    September 3, 2009 at 5:18pm · · Report
  • RAR: OH MY GOD, I feel so cheated and deceived. Levent was MY WAITER GUY and we were gonna get married and live happily ever after in Gloria Serenity. LAURA YOU RUINED MY LIFE
    September 3, 2009 at 5:53pm · · Report
  • MD: Can't you both share him? I think he'd like that.....
    September 3, 2009 at 6:21pm · · Report
  • GC: Mark, be serious, WE would like that! (after two comes three)
    September 3, 2009 at 9:52pm · · Report
  • Natasja: Both? What about me? He even found me here on Facebook!!!
    September 3, 2009 at 9:55pm ·
  • GC: could you be the third one??
    September 3, 2009 at 10:01pm · · Report
  • Natasja: Hmm... I'm no longer sure how to answer that ;-)
    September 4, 2009 at 12:42am ·
  • VC: hahaha, I have no idea how I have missed this epic conversation up till now... but I am in full agreeance with Mark, CREEEEPY! (all the waiters, not just Mr Walsh here!)
    September 26, 2009 at 3:39am · · Report
  • Natasja: Especially one other...
    September 28, 2009 at 9:59am ·

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Manson & friends

1999. MTV. TV-couch. Mexico.

I'm using my friend Björn's Spotify list as my main playlist at the moment. Not that you can tell what kind of music he likes by looking at him but me playing his list is definitely a good sign. Manson, Slipnot and Inflames are good energy kicks when a sharp mind is required. While writing my application letter to work as a volunteer for the Amnesty's international council meeting this year (as I did 2009), the tunes of Manson's music and voice fills the apartment. I think it is a good thing that I live on the top floor (8th) and therefore have no neighbor on top and thick cement walls on the sides.

Why I chose to post "The Dope Show" is because it is the song that made me aware of Manson's existence and it was when I started to like him. It was played frequently on MTV which was a good friend of mine during my time in Mexico 1998-99. I watched/listened to the MTV music quite a lot in lack of other good music sources and it also to keep me company at times. Not always easy to find ways to keep busy when everyone else have their own lives, their own friends and things to do.

In my class in school, Promedac, there was a girl who some called Marilyn Manson because of her gothish style. I felt a little sorry for her because she felt like an outcast even though she was part of one of the larger groups in the class. Hm, what did that make me then? I never really belonged to any of the groups there even if I started out in the same group when I came there. Still I don't think I was as big of an oddball as she was and I am pretty sure I got more friends than she had...more than several people I got to know there actually.

I have managed to find quite a few friends and my host family on Facebook but there are still a handful of people I don't know how to get in touch with. There are especially two people I really would like to know what have become of them. They were special and important to me but yet another reason for me wanting to get back in touch is because of their backgrounds and their peculiarities. How did their lives turn out?