Sunday, January 02, 2011

Manson & friends

1999. MTV. TV-couch. Mexico.

I'm using my friend Björn's Spotify list as my main playlist at the moment. Not that you can tell what kind of music he likes by looking at him but me playing his list is definitely a good sign. Manson, Slipnot and Inflames are good energy kicks when a sharp mind is required. While writing my application letter to work as a volunteer for the Amnesty's international council meeting this year (as I did 2009), the tunes of Manson's music and voice fills the apartment. I think it is a good thing that I live on the top floor (8th) and therefore have no neighbor on top and thick cement walls on the sides.

Why I chose to post "The Dope Show" is because it is the song that made me aware of Manson's existence and it was when I started to like him. It was played frequently on MTV which was a good friend of mine during my time in Mexico 1998-99. I watched/listened to the MTV music quite a lot in lack of other good music sources and it also to keep me company at times. Not always easy to find ways to keep busy when everyone else have their own lives, their own friends and things to do.

In my class in school, Promedac, there was a girl who some called Marilyn Manson because of her gothish style. I felt a little sorry for her because she felt like an outcast even though she was part of one of the larger groups in the class. Hm, what did that make me then? I never really belonged to any of the groups there even if I started out in the same group when I came there. Still I don't think I was as big of an oddball as she was and I am pretty sure I got more friends than she had...more than several people I got to know there actually.

I have managed to find quite a few friends and my host family on Facebook but there are still a handful of people I don't know how to get in touch with. There are especially two people I really would like to know what have become of them. They were special and important to me but yet another reason for me wanting to get back in touch is because of their backgrounds and their peculiarities. How did their lives turn out?

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