Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Austria, Canada, Ivory Coast, France, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Senegal, South Korea, Turkey, USA

I am so excited! I just can't hide it... ;-) In August I am going to Turkey for almost two weeks to work as a volunteer (even deputy team leader) during Amnesty's big international meeting. No salary, hard work and I couldn't be happier. Imagine 40 volunteers and 400 delegates from all over the world, all with some basic values in common, all interested in the same thing. Just the volunteers are from: Austria, Canada, Ivory Coast, France, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Senegal, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey and the USA. Those who knows me also knows how happy I am to be able to do this. Meeting new people from all over the world , work for human rights, get new experiences and to travel. I just wish I could do it for a living.

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