Suicide attempt, depression, cancer, self mutilation (cutting), rape, dysfunctional families and relationships, theft, abuse, alcoholism, lack of food, racism, miscarriage, inappropriate jobs, teenage pregnancies, very wrong men... I don't envy some of the women at work. Some are barely 20 years old.
An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Reality check at work
This is what I call an entrance!
Weddings should be joyful and this is certainly a joyful wedding! It would be great having an equally fun entrance at my future wedding,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
For your child
A friend to her little daughter. A beautiful poem.
Jag önskar dig inte guld, mitt barn, ej heller pengar och makt.
Jag önskar dig modet att vara dig själv och stå för det du har sagt!
Jag önskar dig inte en stenfri väg, men kraften att vägen gå.
Jag önskar dig kärlek i rikligt mått och vänner att lita på!
Jag önskar dig inte guld, mitt barn, ej heller pengar och makt.
Jag önskar dig modet att vara dig själv och stå för det du har sagt!
Jag önskar dig inte en stenfri väg, men kraften att vägen gå.
Jag önskar dig kärlek i rikligt mått och vänner att lita på!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
by Svenska akademien. The world is full of knowledge but sometimes it feels like the amount of ignorance is even bigger. Some is more or less chosen, some isn't. Even though I am a person who feels passionate about adding some knowledge to people, I have also realized that sometimes the time and effort just isn't worth spending since it is pretty much useless. I can't decide what people should think, I can only give them facts and another perspective.
okunskap, när man inte riktigt vet är det så skönt att ta till lite
okunskap, kan förvandlas till fakta om man bara vill ja
okunskap, en iskall fasad när man är ensam och rädd
okunskap, oj
okunskapen styr i våra institutioner
försvaras med kraft, befäster positioner
okunskap har aldrig några nya visioner
okunskap tar plats i alla texter och skrifter
rädsla och hat som våra starkaste drifter
bland alla droger och gifter
okunskapen styr och sprider kvacksalvarkurer
skeva perspektiv bygger skeva strukturer
okunskap tar liv och hindrar kärlekskulturer
att fortsätta med sånt vore dumt och förryckt
okunskap, när man inte riktigt vet är det så skönt att ta till lite
okunskap, kan förvandlas till fakta om man bara vill ja
okunskap, en iskall fasad när man är ensam och rädd
okunskap, oj
okunskapen styr i våra institutioner
försvaras med kraft, befäster positioner
okunskap har aldrig några nya visioner
okunskap tar plats i alla texter och skrifter
rädsla och hat som våra starkaste drifter
bland alla droger och gifter
okunskapen styr och sprider kvacksalvarkurer
skeva perspektiv bygger skeva strukturer
okunskap tar liv och hindrar kärlekskulturer
att fortsätta med sånt vore dumt och förryckt
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
"I read it for the articles" - yeah right...
"Jävla lesbiska surfittslödder! De där fanatiska veganerna och anarkafeministerna har ju knullat in sig i hela medieröven! Och nu skiter de på en fembarnsfar som sliter ut sig för att göra en oskyldig tidning för vanliga normala hetersexuella grabbar!"
This is what the creator and owner to a Swedish magazine called Slitz has said (which guys say that they buy to "read the articles"...everybody says it and everybody knows that it's just a lie) . What he says is very offensive things about lesbians, vegans and feminists and that the magazine is for "ordinary, normal, heterosexual guys" (nothing about the articles as you notice). How do I know this? I quote what his oldest son wrote in a section of his mother's book about her life. The book is good and it's called "Boven i mitt drama kallas kärlek" by Unni Drougge.
More women, and men for that matter, should read it...

This is what the creator and owner to a Swedish magazine called Slitz has said (which guys say that they buy to "read the articles"...everybody says it and everybody knows that it's just a lie) . What he says is very offensive things about lesbians, vegans and feminists and that the magazine is for "ordinary, normal, heterosexual guys" (nothing about the articles as you notice). How do I know this? I quote what his oldest son wrote in a section of his mother's book about her life. The book is good and it's called "Boven i mitt drama kallas kärlek" by Unni Drougge.
More women, and men for that matter, should read it...

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Svenska Akademien! Again.
Can't help myself, just have to write about today.
Waking up beside M, spending the afternoon with my family (birthday party), listening to very good heavy metal music in my brother's car on our way to the carnival in town. That was just the beginning of a great day. Can you get high on music? I think I can. I jumped and danced like crazy when Svenska Akademien played and it was the best concert with them I've seen (I think this was my fourth time). Good music in combination with lyrics that catch the political part of me (which is quite big, as you know if you know me) makes me high. I must say that Svenska Akademien knows how to get a crowd started!
Now I have to go to sleep, all my energy was spent on M, family and loads of music!
Waking up beside M, spending the afternoon with my family (birthday party), listening to very good heavy metal music in my brother's car on our way to the carnival in town. That was just the beginning of a great day. Can you get high on music? I think I can. I jumped and danced like crazy when Svenska Akademien played and it was the best concert with them I've seen (I think this was my fourth time). Good music in combination with lyrics that catch the political part of me (which is quite big, as you know if you know me) makes me high. I must say that Svenska Akademien knows how to get a crowd started!
Now I have to go to sleep, all my energy was spent on M, family and loads of music!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Imagining facts
It is interesting how some claim to know things, without anything else than an opinion and imagination to base it on. In some cases the lack of facts doesn't have much actual affect but in others it has. In some cases fact free people just have to blame themselves if they don't like what they think and claim things to be.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Sisstörs inn inglisch
Nat: Vass wollen her sun wannt?
Sis: doont noo
i doont noo watt to bay majself
Nat: Jor inglisch iss väri bääääd!
Sis: joo dont saj
Nat: Majn iss ån di odder händ väri godd
Sis: hehehehe
dont tink so
Nat: Bääääd sisstör, dass nått supårt miii!
Sis: jooo ar bääd too den, jo insolt maj inglisch
Sis: doont noo
i doont noo watt to bay majself
Nat: Jor inglisch iss väri bääääd!
Sis: joo dont saj
Nat: Majn iss ån di odder händ väri godd
Sis: hehehehe
dont tink so
Nat: Bääääd sisstör, dass nått supårt miii!
Sis: jooo ar bääd too den, jo insolt maj inglisch
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Austria, Canada, Ivory Coast, France, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Senegal, South Korea, Turkey, USA
I am so excited! I just can't hide it... ;-) In August I am going to Turkey for almost two weeks to work as a volunteer (even deputy team leader) during Amnesty's big international meeting. No salary, hard work and I couldn't be happier. Imagine 40 volunteers and 400 delegates from all over the world, all with some basic values in common, all interested in the same thing. Just the volunteers are from: Austria, Canada, Ivory Coast, France, Ghana, Greece, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mali, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, Senegal, South Korea, Sweden, Turkey and the USA. Those who knows me also knows how happy I am to be able to do this. Meeting new people from all over the world , work for human rights, get new experiences and to travel. I just wish I could do it for a living.
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