I wonder how many times I've heard "I prefere to see my friends in person, not on the internet", insinuating that IRL meetings are better than socializing on the Internet. Well, fun for you that you have all your friends within a radie of a few miles. I don't. I'd LOVE to be able to hang out with my friends IRL but I take what I can get. Why not enjoy friends, interesting talks about big things as well as the small ones and a never ending source of interesting information, not to mention the positive feedback that strengthen and simply makes you smile.
I don't know if I seem harsh, writing like this. I am just a little tired of all the comments about what is "better" just from their rather narrow point of view when it comes to the ways of communicating and being friends with people. Things work different for different people, it doesn't necessarily make something better or worse, just different and it certainly doesn't make me less social.
I like that I am able to show in this picture that I actually do have friends and acquaintances that I want to stay in touch with and have no other real options to do that than through the Internet. Some say that God moves in mysterious ways. I prefere to think that life moves in mysterious ways. You never know what might happen if you talk to that person, go to that place, apply for that thing or simply says "yes". Life it too short to make the least of it.

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