Saturday, January 03, 2009

Freedom of religion according to Stellan Skarsgård

One of the most famous Swedish actors Stellan Skarsgård who can be seen in Mamma Mia, Pirates of the Caribbean, King Arthur, Ronin, Amistad, Good Will Hunting, Deep Blue Sea, Exorcist and Dogville just to mention a handful. He will also appear in four more movies during 2009. This is what he has to say about freedom of religion in Sweden:

"Har vi religionsfrihet, så måste vi också ge barnen frihet att välja. Om de hemma får lära sig att de kommer att brinna i helvetet om de inte ber till Gud, så ska de åtminstone få möta ett alternativ i skolan."

(Stellan Skarsgård om att extrema sekter tillåts driva frikolor i Sverige)

If we have freedom of religion, we also have to give the children freedom to choose. If they at home learn that they will burn in Hell if they don't pray to God, then they should at least meet an alternative in school."

Stellan Skarsgård about extreme sects which are allowed to run private schools in Sweden

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