There is a car in Central Europe that smells a lot like vanilla. I have a theory that the three vanilla scented things (2 trees and 1 other thing close to the ventilation) are there to cover up the dead man smell coming from the trunk ;-) But it's just a weird theory...

Wow, that one horrible thought, but still pretty cool in some strange way!
Haha... Btw, I can't stand the spell of vanilla, it's horrible when people have it in their perfume. Vanilla is for eating ;-)
I completely agree Natasja, vanilla is for desserts, candy AND ice cream!
Well, I personally don't like vanilla ice cream that much, ,just if I put lots of chocolate to it :-P Otherwise it hardly tastes anything...
I have nothing against vanilla ice cream and not choco either :) Still I like vanilla ice cream as is, nothing added.
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