Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Boss - Swedish Church?

That is what it said when I looked in the net version of one of the biggest news papers for jobs. Who is the Swedish Church's boss?
...which actually leads me to think of something more serious than just the play with words. Who is the actual boss? Man or the alleged God?
...but I am not going any deeper in the subject. I am too tired to do that right now and probably I won't get into that line of thought again here but you never know.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Saturday, July 28, 2007


To cheer myself up after this boring and not so god day but also cheer you up in case of need :-) Just a hint of hair...



Thursday, July 26, 2007

Elvis - the Prejudice Philosofer

This I have stolen from a girl I went to school with. I couldn't agree more!

Elvis - a cartoon figure in "Metro" that I love. He's made me laugh the last few years in the early mornings on the buses and trains.

A quote from Elvis:

"Jag vet inte vad som borde bekymra mig mest...att jag är fördomsfull eller att vissa lever upp till mina fördomar..."

"I don't know what should worry me most...that I am prejudice or that some live up to my prejudices..."

Eg. that applies to some of the people I know. Background + level of education + vocabulary + level of tasks at work + what jokes they find amusing etc. All leading up to my stereotype picture of intolerant/ignorant and uneducated people and how they see others unlike themselves (do I even have to mention that it includes religion, skin colour and sexual preferences?). Trust me, I wish I was wrong about them but each day that goes by, my suspicions are just more and more confirmed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Freedom of religion

Yes, the text below from an article in a paper is rather "simple" but still worth thinking about. I agree that drawing lines are very, very difficult and often made based on arbitrary grounds. Then there is the question whether there is a real interest in deciding who's opinion and faith is the most valuable? The faith between two Christians might be quite different

"Religionsfriheten som juridiskt begrepp öppnar för en nyckfull och inkonsekvent praxis, så länge det inte existerar en entydig definition av begreppet religion. Är gudstro ett nödvändigt kriterium för att kallas religion? Då omfattas inte buddhismen av religionsfriheten, eftersom den är en icketeistisk livsåskådning, i avsaknad av gudomliga väsen. Definieras religion av det gemensamma bejakandet av vissa metafysiska normer och värden? Då måste alla icketeistiska livsåskådningar omfattas. Eller räcker det med en irrationell dyrkan av något som förenar en samling människor? Då nödgas vi klassa AIK:s supportrar som religiösa anhängare. Är det avgörande hur djupt vår identitetsuppfattning påverkas av vårt medlemskap? I så fall torde Hells Angels uppfylla kriteriet – men kanske inte Svenska kyrkan!"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Some hot lesbian sex? Check this out...

The porn industry must be quite bad in South America, Poland and ALL other countries where the religious believes are strong. I am not talking about the heterosexual sex but the ALL sex that includes more than 1 woman and 1 man at the same time. It must be really disgusting seeing those hot, big breasted women with their red nails, long blond hair, big red lips och slim legs kissing, licking and X, Y, Z... each other. And YOU have never ever dreamed even once about having a threesome with your girlfriend and another woman, or with you boyfriend and that hot guy you saw last time you were out dancing?

Homosexuality/homo sex is wrong and disgusting, right?

So, there simply can't be a real market for porn that shows sex between two or more persons at the same time. It says in the Bible and all other religious writings that it is wrong, or is it me who is wrong?

Not to forget, there is a large amount of people that think homosexuality is wrong, disgusting and simply wrong who are NOT religious in any way (more or less homophobes). I work closely with about 7 of them. I bet none of them never actually have or dreamed of having one of those hot chicks joining them and the misses! They are all in good company with Hitler and his followers... at SOME level.


Sharing values

An important thing is that by "them" I don't mean exactly the people I work with but with people in general who at some level de facto share the basic feeling when thinking and confronting homosexuals. I just think people should think a minute or two about who they share opinions with and why. As you say that you can know a person by his/her friends, is it THAT far to say you get a tiny hint of knowing who a person is by the once they share some basic opinions with. Of course any comparison with Hitler is a bold one...and mean, but then chose any other figure around you, close and in a distance. There is the pope, there is reverend Green, there is the guy on the train yesterday who had a shaved head, big boots and wearing a black sweater saying "Ultima Thule" and something about the the greatness of "the mother land", the party who objects to the thought of homosexuals and heterosexuals having the equal rights within family law. Simply put, there are many people having this aversion towards homosexuals and what seems to be the main "arguments" is "it says so in the bible" and "it's not normal". I think that those analysis are as deep and fulfilling as "the negro made two goals but it was only luck"*.

*comment from the other day at work.

I try to give people the benefit of a doubt when getting to know them. Unfortunately my own experiences says that in some/many cases (but not all!) intolerant opinions seem to come in a package. One opinion is usually followed by another in the same "area" (in lack of a better expression). When it comes to aversion against homosexuality based on religion I feel a bit ambivalent because it is IN SOME CASES based on a belief (that is another discussion I'm not going to have now) but, not respecting people for who they are is, no matter the issue (sexuality, skin colour, religion, ideology etc.), intolerance come in many guises.

But that's just me... If you, the reader, aren't interested in these questions, you wouldn't have read this far anyway. So either you are interested to what I think and/or you are interested in the subject. No matter the reason, I'm glad you did. I just hope you, who ever you are, realize that I don't think that all intolerant people are bad, far from it. I have people around me that are but that doesn't mean that I don't like them. Maybe most of all I pity them because they live their life in fear for something I simply can't understand.

I have enough issues to deal with myself throughout life, spending time on thinking bad thoughts about people that never did any harm to anyone seem redundant. There are bigger issues in the world to address. According to me one of them is to help those who don't have the access to what they are entitled to.

Maybe I will have to read through this text again when it's not 01.52 AM when updating this thought of mine... Probably many mistakes.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Car in a bad mood?


I hate that word...how the freaking BEEEP can I have that if they don't give it to me?!?!?! *hate looking for jobs* None who want to give me a new one, an interesting one?!



"A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own.

The origin of the word bigot in English dates back to at least 1598, via Middle French, and started with the sense of "religious hypocrite", especially a woman. Bigot is often used as a pejorative term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false."

So what made me think of this? South Park's Cartman ;-) There is a lot about that if you follow the link.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Stars and fire

Am I an evil vampire?

I stumbled upon this test and made it. According to it, I am mostly like Spike :-) What can I say, he is my favorite character. I'm not sure how to handle the fact that he is an evil vampire...but I don't care ;)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Nazism and nail polish

What, what, what? The swastika was drawn on a house wall maybe a couple of years ago. I couldn't pass it by without trying to do something about it. As my mother always says: "you take what you have" and so I did. I used the nail polish that I happened to be carrying around in my purse to cross it over and write BSB = "bevara Sverige blandat" (= "keep Sweden mixed"). It's a kind of reaction to BSS = "bevara Sverige svenskt" = keep Sweden Swedish.

Chucky's Bride?!

...or is it really me? ;-) NatFreak

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Can you figure out how I took this photo? Skäggetorp is where the nice two guys work, Magnus and Kristofer (yes, only one "f") work and I just wanted to go and see who they actually are but since it was Sunday they weren't working. Btw, they have a boss that like to yell a lot (but it isn't my fault, usually!). It took me and my dad a long time to find the place (I guess I'm not the best map reader) but since I never go to Linköping otherwise, this was my chance to visit the place I hear of every day and the people I talk to more or less every day and some days several times. Now I have seen a little bit of the city and it seems nice.

This is not from Skäggetorp at all but from the center of Linköping...

Leave it alone, please!

NOOOOO! He cut it again, when will he learn?! :'( Just because he's 45* it doesn't mean he has to cut his otherwise veeery nice hair. Not everyone looks good in long hair, some looks better without any hair, but this guy sure does! The only plus he gets for it is that he doesn't give a crap what others think, never have the "normal" hair cut. ...and during several songs he wore a sheet looking thing on, not too good either.
Anthony Kiedis never learn...
* Born 1962, Michigan... Btw, Michigan seems to produce good...ehh...

Live Earth

Did you see it? I saw some on the web (TV broken)...Right now listening to RHCP, waiting for Anthony to show up ;-)


THINK OF THE ENVIRONMENT in your everyday life! We've only got one single one! It's worth saving... Go Green!


From my cousin, this performance from the show "Talent" (or whatever it is called) worked it's way through all the way here...and now I only say: Listen to this...it's good! Even beeeeping Simon shut the beeep up :-D

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Baby Doll

I usually don't step on people but for this lady I'll make an exception :-)

The real me

Adult points

Haha...what a response! I got a "test" where you have to fill in some questions about your life, eg. your living situation, if you're a virgin, where you prefere to go for vacation, the job situation, how/if you drink coffee, kids, marrige, paying the TV license and many other questions. Based on the answers, the test shows how "old" you are. I'm only 2,6 years older than my real age (which in my case is pretty good). I sent this to some friends and family and asked them what they got...pretty funny. Eg. my dad is, according to the test, 20 years younger than he really is and I am not surprised :-) Btw, try to make mum do the test, I'd be interesting to see if she is as young as she claims (joking, but still).