The porn industry must be quite bad in South America, Poland and ALL other countries where the religious believes are strong. I am not talking about the heterosexual sex but the ALL sex that includes more than 1 woman and 1 man at the same time. It must be really disgusting seeing those hot, big breasted women with their red nails, long blond hair, big red lips och slim legs kissing, licking and X, Y, Z... each other. And YOU have never ever dreamed even once about having a threesome with your girlfriend and another woman, or with you boyfriend and that hot guy you saw last time you were out dancing?
Homosexuality/homo sex is wrong and disgusting, right?
So, there simply can't be a real market for porn that shows sex between two or more persons at the same time. It says in the Bible and all other religious writings that it is wrong, or is it me who is wrong?
Not to forget, there is a large amount of people that think homosexuality is wrong, disgusting and simply wrong who are NOT religious in any way (more or less homophobes). I work closely with about 7 of them. I bet none of them never actually have or dreamed of having one of those hot chicks joining them and the misses! They are all in good company with Hitler and his followers... at SOME level.
Not to forget, there is a large amount of people that think homosexuality is wrong, disgusting and simply wrong who are NOT religious in any way (more or less homophobes). I work closely with about 7 of them. I bet none of them never actually have or dreamed of having one of those hot chicks joining them and the misses! They are all in good company with Hitler and his followers... at SOME level.
Sharing values
An important thing is that by "them" I don't mean exactly the people I work with but with people in general who at some level de facto share the basic feeling when thinking and confronting homosexuals. I just think people should think a minute or two about who they share opinions with and why. As you say that you can know a person by his/her friends, is it THAT far to say you get a tiny hint of knowing who a person is by the once they share some basic opinions with. Of course any comparison with Hitler is a bold one...and mean, but then chose any other figure around you, close and in a distance. There is the pope, there is reverend Green, there is the guy on the train yesterday who had a shaved head, big boots and wearing a black sweater saying "Ultima Thule" and something about the the greatness of "the mother land", the party who objects to the thought of homosexuals and heterosexuals having the equal rights within family law. Simply put, there are many people having this aversion towards homosexuals and what seems to be the main "arguments" is "it says so in the bible" and "it's not normal". I think that those analysis are as deep and fulfilling as "the negro made two goals but it was only luck"*.
*comment from the other day at work.
I try to give people the benefit of a doubt when getting to know them. Unfortunately my own experiences says that in some/many cases (but not all!) intolerant opinions seem to come in a package. One opinion is usually followed by another in the same "area" (in lack of a better expression). When it comes to aversion against homosexuality based on religion I feel a bit ambivalent because it is IN SOME CASES based on a belief (that is another discussion I'm not going to have now) but, not respecting people for who they are is, no matter the issue (sexuality, skin colour, religion, ideology etc.), intolerance come in many guises.
But that's just me... If you, the reader, aren't interested in these questions, you wouldn't have read this far anyway. So either you are interested to what I think and/or you are interested in the subject. No matter the reason, I'm glad you did. I just hope you, who ever you are, realize that I don't think that all intolerant people are bad, far from it. I have people around me that are but that doesn't mean that I don't like them. Maybe most of all I pity them because they live their life in fear for something I simply can't understand.
I have enough issues to deal with myself throughout life, spending time on thinking bad thoughts about people that never did any harm to anyone seem redundant. There are bigger issues in the world to address. According to me one of them is to help those who don't have the access to what they are entitled to.
Maybe I will have to read through this text again when it's not 01.52 AM when updating this thought of mine... Probably many mistakes.

Very hard and bitter words. In my ears it sounds very exaggerated to compare with Hitler even if I myself haven´t heard exactly what Your acquaintances had said. One have to make these kind of comparations very carefully. If not it is easy to loose ones truesworthy. But go on blogging, Natasja!
Your last analise is much better. I agree with a big deal of it.Thanks.Maybe we one day can share addresses and have a more profound talk about the subject.
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