An info junkie's random thoughts but never random opinions about politics, human rights, music, life and everything in between.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Electric stimulus
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Great news!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Den obligatoriska slagdängan
by Svenska akademien
i lilla larvi sär vi tångtångtång
Akademien, dom är tunga känn
Du måste gunga den
Melodin är så
Du måste sjunga den
Rytmen som tvingar dig till dans (till trans)
hettan som tar dig någon annanstans
Sydligt klimat tar dig från prydligt privat
Extas kommer snart, ja det är tydligt och klart
att du känner, det bränner
lusten pockar på
du vill ha (tångtångtitångtångtång)
Kan nån annan locka dom?
Kan några andra flockar få dig att koppla av helt? (Nej)
Rytm och rutin när dom andra kör för stelt
Taktfasthet, han som har lagt är vass
het lägger den tångt, när andra går bet
och du vet
Så, gunga den, kvinna, gunga den
Så, gunga den, kvinna, gunga den
Gunga den, kvinna, gunga den
Ja, gunga den, kvinna, gunga den
När man blir kär
är det en underbar sak
varje dag blir jag kär
Baken som skakar när hon går förbi
brösten som guppar, dom sätter mig fri
ja, låt det skölja över
inte hölja, dölja över
inte följa klöver
Söver brödrar, systrar lyssna
Vill ni ha en macho, en hård man nu?
Patetiskt, ja
Vad gööör vi
Du vill ha en man som kan
Varför stå där så
tunga, hänga
i klunga, blänga
Låt det gunga, svänga
Ge tristessen en känga
Låt nävarna svänga
Höfterna kränga
Ingen alls kan stänga för vår gängarslagdänga
Lustarna väcks
När huven gungar loss
Inga machokomplex, kom och gunga med oss
Befria dig själv
Släpp fram det som förtrycks
Unna ditt inre lite lyx
Revolution i rytm och ton
Du är allting annat än ett tjänstehjon
Varje rörelse del av din frigörelse
Akademien motverkar själslig förödelse
Och om en kamp svänger mer
kommer jag chansa på den
Allén har mer att ge
och du kan dansa så känn
Uppbrottets melodi, jag vill sjunga den
Och när jag sliter mig fri vill jag gunga den
Slunga den, David, Slunga den
Dom är tunga känn, Kvinna gunga dem
Slunga den, David,Slunga den
Dom är tunga känn. Mannen gunga dem
När man är kär
är det en underbar sak
varje dag blir jag kär
Capoeria as I know it
Monday, October 27, 2008
Life Will Kill You
You can't escape life just because you stopped living
But you're dead the same second you decide to just give in
And given the choice between your own life and death
I suggest that you cherish the time you have left
'Cause time waits for no one and we're all growing older
I've found myself looking more over my shoulder
I'd like to say fuck it I could be dead tomorrow
I'll deal with the pain and the stress the sorrow
Life will kill you, in the end we're all gonna die
Life will kill you, it doesn't matter how hard you try
Life will kill you, even if you don't give a damn
What part of your own death is that you don't understand
Death comes in all sizes all shapes and all colours
But we like to believe that it only happens to others
The closer we get we try to avoid it
We've tampered with nature so much we've destroyed it
It slips through our fingers the more we live
What the fuck are we thinking acting like we control it
It's a cold fact of life but we should try to be brave
How brave can you be with one foot in the grave
Life will kill you, in the end we're all gonna die
Life will kill you, it doesn't matter how hard you try
Life will kill you, even if you don't give a damn
What part of your own death is that you don't understand
Life will kill you, it's all a part of the great big plan
Life will kill you, even if you're in a rock and roll band
Life will kill you, so you might as well enjoy each breath
Life will kill you, and now you're three minutes closer to death
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Amnesty seminar in the woods

Other people's blogs
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Right & wrong
Monday, October 13, 2008
This is CISV
Mary asked me about the aim of this organization and here is the answer to it. I just want to add that I still have sporadic contact with some of the people who were involved in the exchange 1994 (Hamburg) and 1997 (São Paulo). Some years ago I even went with my family to Brazil and stayed in my Brazilian friend's house for five days and even if it had passed several years since we had met and really talked, we kind of just continued where we had left off and were still friends.
"CISV is a charitable, independent, non-political, volunteer organization promoting peace education and cross-cultural friendship.
We are a global community of dedicated volunteers, creating opportunities for all ages to experience the excitement and enrichment of cultural diversity through our educational programmes. We are founded on our belief that peace is possible through friendship - and that the real difference can be made by starting with children.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
To overestimate

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Sunday Morning
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Drinking tea & writing article
I want, therefore it is?
Francis Bacon
I strongly believe that is true.
Busy day
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Sky Is Over
Everybody knows,
Everybody knows,
That you cradle the sun, sun
Living in remorse,
Sky is over,
Dont you want to hold me baby,
Disappointed, going crazy,
Behind closes eyes lie
The minds ready to awaken you,
Are you at war with land
And all of its creatures,
Your not-so-gentle persuasion
Has been known to wreck economies
Of countries, of empires, the sky is over,
Not even from the sun,
Dont you want me to run,
Even though you cant afford
The sky is over
Even though we cant afford
The sky is over,
I dont want to see you go,
The sky is over
(the lyrics are shortened down to make it quicker for you, the reader, to read)