Thursday, February 26, 2009

Financial crisis and the death penalty - not compatible

Unfortunately a common argument FOR the death penalty is the cost of keeping people alive. Very many people think that it is cheaper for society to have eg. murderers and pedophiles executed than locked up for the rest of their lives. They assume that "getting rid off" them must be cheaper than to store and feed them. Not only are they as wrong as they possible can, they are also arguing that there is a rather clear price on human lives. It's a cynical and primitive way of regarding fellow human beings.

The media is filled with articles about the consequences of the financial crisis and for once there is actually a positive thing about it.

Last Thursday 19 February I read a press item with the headline. "Expensive Death Penalty Can Be Abolished". "Several American states has started to discuss the abolishment of the death penalty. The reason is the financial crisis - it is expensive to execute people. 36 of the 50 states allow executions. The bill for one person sentenced to death is 1,26 million [!!] dollars while a life sentenced cost 740 000 dollars, according to researchers. Two thirds of the people is pro capital punishment."

Then people ask why does it cost so much to kill someone. Well, to understand why it is expensive, and should be expensive I can compare it to the death penalty in eg. China.

* When accused for eg. murder (among the 68 [!] different offences that are imposed with death penalty), when do you get a defence lawyer?
= Maybe 10 days before trial. Maybe never.

* When are you guilty?
= Until proven innocent.

* Who pays for the execution itself, that is for the bullet?
= The family of the convicted. For some that can be a month's salary.

* When is the execution implemented?
= Usually pretty quick after sentencing.

* How is the appeal procedure?
= The possibility exist but only if they have the time...and money. Keep in mind many Chinese are poor.

How is it then in the States?

Defence lawyer?
= Yes, of course. (Although there is no guarantee that he's educated or has the experience of this kind of cases)

* When are you guilty?
= When proven guilty.

* Who pays?
= Not the family.

* The execution?
= An person on death row sits there on an avarage of 11 years.

* Appeal procedure?
= AHA! Plenty! You can appeal several times. Useful since there are plenty of cases where people has been sentenecd to death despite their innocence.

Do you STILL wonder why it costs more to execute a person in USA than feeding them and keep them locked up? USA actually has a judicial system that "works" and China...well, you fill in the obvious.

The question that remains is still whether you can put a price on a human life...

Pile of articles

My pile of articles that I have ripped out of newspapers is growing as usual. My intention with them is to bring up the subjects in them here but they are overwhelmingly many and I don't know where to start. It is especially hard when there are so many other things in life that wants my attention, not the least my never ending, or so it seems, job search. I even felt that I had to turn down the offer of becomming the next chairwoman for my Amnesty division because of my shattered spare time, or maybe it is mostly in my head. Non the less, it felt like too time consuming at the moment.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blue snow

This is the way from my home to the train station.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alphabet for boys

Two friends are chatting and I was invited to read the conversation :-)

19:57:13: Vad heter din hållplats nu igen?
19:57:40: R******* tror jag att den heter
20:03:48: Tror?
20:04:11: japp vad ska den annars heta?
20:05:34: Hmm, jadu...
20:05:40: Alfabetet startar med a...
20:05:42: Vi kan börja där...
20:05:55: gör du så
20:06:01: apa
20:06:02: din tur
20:06:41: bapelsin
20:06:53: clementin
20:07:27: dadlar
20:07:50: eukalyptus
20:08:19: fikus
20:08:37: gurkburk
20:08:49: hallon
20:09:59: isbergssallad
20:10:07: Julgröt
20:11:35: knäckebröd
20:12:32: med grova lingon
20:13:21: mumsig choklad
20:14:04: nötter
20:14:25: ollon
20:15:02: päronsoppa
20:15:53: quichepaj
20:19:31: Woohoo, du kom inte på något på r! jag vann! :D
20:20:07: DAMN U!!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009


I am sooo angry right now! Is Sweden really a democracy? Nope. Not today. Why? Because today a "historical event" took place (said the prime minister) and the Alliance decided that we now can build NEW freaking power plants here in Sweden when the old get too old. We voted to phase it out. In Lexin the word "phase out" is even exemplified with this: "kärnkraften skall vara avvecklad i Sverige år 2010---in Sweden, nuclear power is to have been phased out by the year 2010".


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Black, Wind, Fire and Steel

Just found this. Old for most, new to me. What's important is that I like it. Manowar.